WELCOME TO AMS Vault Trusted Providers of Hideaway School Shelters, Security
Shelters and Under-Bed Safety Vaults

AMS Vault is on a mission to help save innocent lives. We provide hideaway shelters as a way to help protect you, your family, and loved ones in an emergency situation. Learn more about the options available to you and how you can be prepared for the unexpected.
The times we are living in have never been more unpredictable. That’s why it’s vital to have a plan in place for when the unthinkable happens.
Whether you’re looking for shelter during storm season, wanting to be prepared for unexpected intruders, or needing personal protection from threats of any kind, hideaway shelters can help provide the safety you need. Being prepared for the unexpected can be life-saving for you and your family. Our hideaway shelters will help provide a safe space and peace of mind for when you need it the most.

Our In-Home Hideaway Security Shelters are bulletproof, flood-resistant, and designed to withstand the power and devastation of an F5 tornado. They serve as one of the most effective ways to protect yourself in the event of natural disasters, home invasions, domestic violence, and countless other scenarios.

Our Under-Bed Safety Vaults also share the same benefits as the hideaway shelters, and offer a discreet and secure place where you can find comfort and safety in the face of an emergency, especially in the middle of the night. They’re incredibly durable and fit under most beds.

Protection in Schools and Churches
Protection in Schools and Churches
Having Hideaway Shelters installed inside of your school or church will help foster a sense of safety and security for not only students and teachers, but for community members, as well. By having shelters in place on the property, you are showing a commitment to protecting innocent lives from unprecedented threats of violence, and proactively taking a stand to help end the crisis that is happening throughout the country. Having a safe space on your campus is crucial and the time to act is now. Be a part of the change that will help protect children and adults in your community.

Commercial & Residential Safety
Commercial & Residential Safety
A Hideaway Shelter is a great investment that can help protect you, your family, employees, and customers when facing an emergency situation. Whether you’re looking for shelter from a storm or facing threats from unexpected intruders, hideaway shelters can be life-saving for you and those around you.

Highly Durable


Third Party Certified

At AMS Vault, we have seen first-hand how hard life can be and what it’s like to experience life-threatening tragedies. We are proactively taking a stand to help end the crisis we’re currently facing in schools and showing our commitment to protecting innocent lives.
AMS Vault is proud to serve the needs of communities throughout the US, and we invite you to contact us to learn more about how our products and services can help protect you, your loved ones, and community members.